Some times you win what you dream in reality and your dream becomes your power to grant you wishes and sometimes, what you dream, may not be granted true in your reality because of some conditions but it gives several short term satisfactions, excitments, happiness and even gets you on cloud 9.
Many a times seeing dreans beyond you limits, may cause harm to you feelings when you realize that, ''Hey man! Thay was just a dream and nothing was true in any part of my reality!" You may feel unsecured and sad but you know the same thing many a times gives a gearing power to some people, to acheive a beam of light even in dark! They get an energising unique power that say," Hey who the hell says that I can't leave that dream in my reality? I have an enough strong personality and I have that ability to grant those dreams if I have that mind set to enjoy those!"
Most of the time it happens that what ever dreams you see at night, is some thing which has been going on in our back of mind which is unconsious most of the times and you have the audiovidual view of it when u
get into a deep sleep, rejuvaniting your body and mind, the back mind is something which gives all your deep thoughts which you might have been thinking alot about with some part of your work.You completely get lost into those dreams and you also perform some actions in your sleep unaware of what you are doing, i.e., you may laugh out loudly unaware that you are doing so, you may start conversing about all the conversation you might be having in your dreams, etc...But don't worry, you are no way having any sort of mantel disorder or Phsyicological problem, you are just absolutely fine and the activities which is done in sleep is some thing which you always wanted to do in consious state but some how you were not able to and thus you perform it some how in unconsiousway!
I am the one who is self experienced with this sort of activities and trust me, I get so lost that I even have fighting actions while sleeping, which I get informed about in the morning when I get up and share my talks on Breakfast Table, My sis or Aaya who sleeps in the same room informs me about! But you know, its all fine and you even get stressless and many a times I have even got an idea about what I have to do in reality!
He just looked at me and said that, "Girl, m looking at those rich social animals who are just totaly into their own world and don't care for any other weak points in the society!"
I felt pitty for him and asked him that, "I can understand how you might be feeling, but if you need any help than you can share it with me for a while! Do you want any kind of assistance?"
He gave me a light smile and stood up and said," hey m all fine with what so ever condition God has given me, i get food for both the times but I was just dreaming out with open eyes that, one day I will be surely at their position and will change the present defination Social Animals, that is they will be some day looking around themselves and get to know what on in the world else than theirs".
Even Late.Shree.Jawaharlal Nehru, led India'a freedom strugle & all his wishes came true through his dreams. He was a day dreamer and dreamt for so big that anyone could hardly do it and just said,"If I can dream than I know that I can do it because God gave me ability to dream and equally to Grant!"
His dream always hit the mark and thats what made his entire Biography so different I tell you!
So no matter who you are, how you are or what your, what matters is; How yoou dream and what you dream and how you feel!
I just say is, Dream Big because only than you can do big to grant your dreams!
-Angel Winget