Here are the random thoughts I have for showcasing life...Some are very emotional and some are emotional + Sensible and there are rebellion thoughts too.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
A Father!
What Are Fathers Made Of? - Angel Winget
A father is a person that is forced to endure childbirth without an anaesthetic,
A father is a person that growls when he feels good...and laughs out loud when scared half to death,
A father never feels worthy of the worship in a child's eyes.
He's never quite the hero his daughter thinks, never quite the man his son believes him to be, and this worries him,
So he works too hard to try and smooth the rough places in the road for those of his own who will follow him.
A father is a person who gets angry when the first school grades aren't as good as he thinks they should be,
He scolds his son...though he knows it's the teacher's fault.
Fathers are persons that give daughters away to other men who aren't nearly good they can have grandchildren who are smarter than anybody's.
Fathers make bets with insurance companies about who'll live the longest.
One day they lose...and the bet's paid off to the part of them they leave behind.
I don't know where a father goes when he dies.
But I've an idea that after a good rest...he won't just sit on a cloud and wait for the girl he loved and the children she bore.
He'll be busy there, too...repairing the stairs...oiling the gates...improving the streets...smoothing the way.
A father is someone who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.
Dad knows best, but no one listens.
I'm the boss (Mum said so!)
Happiness is having a Dad like you.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Hidden tears behind wide smile...
Hidden tears behind wide Smile!
Have you ever thought of or tried to find out, what a person who is constantly smiling in front of you is going through? Have you ever tried or willed to see in that jolly looking person's eye, what do they say? Have you ever tried to feel the burn of that person who has a pink blush on the face? Have you ever tried to hear the silence of a talkative person's heart?
May be no, you would have never even known that things like pretending things are going on or may be the meet would have been so short that it wouldn't have given you any chance to even think so deep for person. But, there is always a story hidden behind a person's eyes and these eyes say alot of things which many a times our lips can't even open. They contain pain, love, history, all the emotions and heart tales.They say everything so silently but give real impact on the readers eyes.
Though that opposite person might be smiling and laughing all normally but, he/she knows what is going on in thier heart and what are they going through. A smile is just a way for those people to tell world that, "Hey! I am alrite, I have no worries, my life is normal and am satisfied." just because, he/she doesn't want to be sympathised by poeple in the world and recall their pain again and again when they are trying to forget their sorrows and past with lot's of hardships. But it's always helpful to them and makes them feel better when someone could read their eyes and just say, "Hey, you don't need to just pretend or show that you are so damn happy and everything is alright, i can very well feel you and read your eyes yeah!" That makes them feel so special and that very well decreases their pain and their real jollyness extrots!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
A Smile Like An Evening...
Have you ever noticed a smile which is exactly like evening? Now, you might be thinking that "how can a smile be like an evening?". Right? I can given an explaination for your question.
An evening is too beautiful, isnt it? At the end of the day, when u stand in the balcony or just have a look out of your office window, all deep in to the sky and lose yourself into some thoughts or dreams, you get a different sort of satisfaction or peace, but have you ever noticed a strange things about this "evening"? Its something that gives light at one end and at the other end its dark but before the darkness of night covers both the neds, it still spreads all the light it can.
Same way there are some smile which are dressed on till it can show and give all the cherishness till the hidden tears don't drop down. The hidden darkness of of the evening is like the hidden tears or sorrows behind that smile. Sometimes people dress smile on their face just to show how happy they are inspite of having most of the hard time in them, sorrows and pain in them. That fake smile can't be understood by anyone else than a special one. One who can just not understand us but feels from what we are going through! A person smiles till the strength he/she has build up remains. There is a smile in where there are lots of hidden stories, where u can see the smiling eyes- there are tears hidden behind, thats what a smile like an evening is.
An evening is too beautiful, isnt it? At the end of the day, when u stand in the balcony or just have a look out of your office window, all deep in to the sky and lose yourself into some thoughts or dreams, you get a different sort of satisfaction or peace, but have you ever noticed a strange things about this "evening"? Its something that gives light at one end and at the other end its dark but before the darkness of night covers both the neds, it still spreads all the light it can.
Same way there are some smile which are dressed on till it can show and give all the cherishness till the hidden tears don't drop down. The hidden darkness of of the evening is like the hidden tears or sorrows behind that smile. Sometimes people dress smile on their face just to show how happy they are inspite of having most of the hard time in them, sorrows and pain in them. That fake smile can't be understood by anyone else than a special one. One who can just not understand us but feels from what we are going through! A person smiles till the strength he/she has build up remains. There is a smile in where there are lots of hidden stories, where u can see the smiling eyes- there are tears hidden behind, thats what a smile like an evening is.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Who doesn't want to be Happy? But....How?.
Everyone is looking for happiness.
But happiness is not a goal.It is a result of doing what you like and relating honestly to other people. Happines is about being your own person, making you own decisions, doing what you want because you want to do it, and living your own life to please yourself. It's about being independent, allowing others to be free and seking the best in yourslef and in the world.
It's so easy to do the opposite-to cling to others expecting to be taken care of, to control people and blame them when things go wrong, to be insincere and play at relationships and careers rather than commit, to tease rather than respond, and to live on the fringe of others' lives rather than in the middle of your own.When you do not live your life as your own person you live an unhappy life indeed. You have the sense that you life is going nowhere, that life has little meaning, and that the meaning it does have loses its substance when you examine it closely.
Your life is supposed to be for yourself.
Your life is given to you to create its meaning. You have no one to blame if your life does not turn out the way you wanted it to be. No one owes you anything. You are the only person who can make a lasting difference. A ittle boost of support here or there means nothing unless you have committed to go all the way yourself. No matter what happens.
No promises that anyone ever made to you have the power to make a lasting difference.
No betrayal or abondonment has the power to limit your growth or blunt your success unless you need an excuse for failing that badly.
Putting it bluntly, you have the ability to get over just about everything. And if you intend to be happy during this life you are going to have to get over a lot all the time.
The first thing you have to get over is the belief that someone is coming in your life who is going to make all the difference.
Don't count on anyone coming to rescue you, give you the big break, defeat your enemies, stand up for you, recognize your worth, and open doors.
Either you are the savior in your own life or your life is without redomption.
You deserve to be happy, but you also deserve everything that you accept. So look at your unhappiness. It is a record of your failure to be your own person.
Your unhappiness is really nothing more than a reminder that you have some work to do to be happy again. Because being happy is liking the way you feel; if you are unhappy it means that you don't like the way you feel.
You are the person who is supposed to do something about that.Being happy requires that you take subtle but important risks all the time. You need to assert yourself. Avoid manipulation, pointless arguments, and confrontations.
You need to tell the truth and correct ur lies. You need to stop playing the vicetim so you can enjoy you success without feeling guilty. To find happiness you need to be your own person, not a pretender. You need to let go for your expectations of what you think life should be like so that you don't unrealistically judge others and find them lacking and ungiving.
You need to give up living in the pat. You need to learn to forgive and let go in order to move on. you need to learn to listen in orer to bring out the best in others.
You need to tke yourself seriously, but not so seriously that you have to be perfect all the time or cannot admit your errors or weaknesses. You need to understand that you are alays growing. So you must continually be aware of the compromises that inhibit your growth and the relayionships where you feel you give away too much.
You need a purpose in life. You need to work at that purpose and create the life you want, not live in empty hope f deliverance. Being happy takes work, the work of life. Since you are going to live your own life, you might as well live it as you best.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Men's Phsycology in An Relation Ship
I had been reading a book of Men's Phsycology and going through all, What I came to knw about them is, metioned below. But we can say 1 thing that they are so wiered in sum cases and a woman can surely cnt understand them easily because their way of xpressing things is totally contratsting to what they feel.
No relationship is perfect, and many arguments happen with a lack of understanding of what a man is really trying to tell us. This could save your relationship! This article really digs into a man’s path of thinking... Here are a few tips on what he could really be saying to you.
He says: ‘’I don’t love you, but I like you’’
What he really is saying: ‘’I’m not really ready to fall in love right now, but I am still willing to give this relationship a chance to see where it leads us. I am scared to fall in love quickly for fear of getting hurt again, and I don’t want to give you false hopes, if I’m not feeling it.
He says: ‘’Nothing has changed’’.
What he’s really saying : ‘’I wish you’d stop being insecure, it really is pushing me away from you. I may not show my emotions, but it does not mean that I am not willing to still be with you.
He says : ‘’That’s a stupid thing to say’’
What he’s really stating: ‘’I didn’t like how that came out, but if you said it in a different way, I may have responded with a better note."
He says: ‘’I’m really upset right now!’’.
What he’s really stipulating: ‘’I need alone time right now. I don’t want to take out on you, because things could get ugly. Please leave me alone, I will come around when I am feeling up for a chat’’
He says: ‘’ I will be late picking you up, I have a few things I need to accomplish before meeting up with you’’.
What he’s really saying : ‘’ I need some alone time to think, and I don’t want to be distracted by you while I am on a mission. So I really need to get things done before we can spend some quality time together, and later on my mind won’t be so distracted.
He says: ‘’ I want to quit smoking’’.
What he’s really saying: ‘’I need your support on this, because I cannot do this alone. I need you to help me the best you can.
He says: ‘’ I’m so tired, and really sore’’.
What he’s really saying: ‘’It would be nice to have a long back rub. Can you do that for me? I know this will make me feel better, and it will give me energy to give you quality loving later on’’.
He says: ‘’ It’s not you, it’s me’’
What he’s really saying: ‘’ I need to think things through, I am not ready to be in a relationship right now. So this is not going to work out between you and I’’.
He says: ‘’I will call you’’
What he really means: ‘’I am testing you, to see how independent you are, I don’t need someone to be calling me every day and all hours of the day. If I don’t call in a few days, try calling me but if I don’t call in a week after talking with you, I am not interested.
He says: ‘’I don’t want anything for Christmas, I don’t expect you to get me anything’’.
What he’s really saying. ‘’I don’t want to disappoint you, but Iam testing to see what your taste is like in gifts. However I do want something though. So surprise me.
Now the ladies, what we say and what they think...
Woman: ‘’I love you’’
What he is thinking: ‘’ I’m scared she is going to hurt me, I’m not sure if I should say it back. Do I really feel the same way, and if I do how do I express myself toward her’’?
Men have a hard time expressing their inner emotions because they were raised to be al macho like as a child. They were taught to not be a wimp in school and to fight back, when pushed. When it comes to love ad relationships, he is unsure how to really respond, as he really needs to feel it first in order to give you the response you are looking for.
Woman: ‘’I want to be with you forever, you are my everything’’.
What he is thinking: Same notion as above. He may have never experienced a woman to fall head over heels for him before, and this perhaps is new to him. He possibly is thinking. ‘Maybe this is it, maybe I finally found the one I want to be with, but I got to make sure that I love her first. But I don’t want to hurt her either’’.
Men want to take things slow, it does take a longer time for a man to fully come around. Though be careful some men are liable to be scared off.
Woman: ‘’ It just feels like you don’t want to spend as much time with me anymore’’.
What he is thinking: ‘’ Nothing has changed, but I wish you’d stop telling me this. Though I will make it up to you the best way that I can. I am not trying to avoid or ignore you, I have been extremely busy’’.
Men do NOT want to hear this kind of talk. It will push them away. They may have been busy and trying hard not to ignore you, but sometimes a lack of help from work, does cramp the relationship style.
Woman: "Are we fading away?’’
What he is thinking: ‘’I just need time for myself now and then. I am not choosing to ignore you, however, when I am distracted with work and other things in my life, I find it hard to concentrate on this relationship sometimes’’.
The stipulation is the same as above. He may need to concentrate more on his goals instead of just one thing. And that's something really good for your future, so a little co-operation can me you sail the sea...
Woman: ‘’I have a fear of abandonment’’
What he is thinking: ‘’ I cannot promise you eternal love, as nothing lasts forever. I will do my best to not hurt you. Though I will test you, to see how independent you really are, if I don’t call you for a few days. I want to see how you react. Though this phase will not last, it’s just a run test’’.
Men are not willing to hurt a woman in a relationship, though they are willing to test you and push your buttons, just enough to see if you’re willing to be apart for a few days. He will probably only do this a few times, in order to find out what you’re really like when there is low communication. Especially if he goes away on business trips, where he may not be able to communicate as much with you. Or if he suddenly has to fly off to a different country to reside.
Woman: ‘’ You are everything I have ever dreamed of’’
What he is thinking: ‘’I try my best, to make you happy. I want to make you feel this way because you are special.’’
A man may not show how he really feels when you say this to him, but really he is gloating. Don’t boost his ego up too much his head might pop ;-)
They are really confussing and they do nt seem frm outseide what exctly hey are and that reall make a womesn Pissed but hey, cum'on after knwoing them we can co-operate at times...
No relationship is perfect, and many arguments happen with a lack of understanding of what a man is really trying to tell us. This could save your relationship! This article really digs into a man’s path of thinking... Here are a few tips on what he could really be saying to you.
He says: ‘’I don’t love you, but I like you’’
What he really is saying: ‘’I’m not really ready to fall in love right now, but I am still willing to give this relationship a chance to see where it leads us. I am scared to fall in love quickly for fear of getting hurt again, and I don’t want to give you false hopes, if I’m not feeling it.
He says: ‘’Nothing has changed’’.
What he’s really saying : ‘’I wish you’d stop being insecure, it really is pushing me away from you. I may not show my emotions, but it does not mean that I am not willing to still be with you.
He says : ‘’That’s a stupid thing to say’’
What he’s really stating: ‘’I didn’t like how that came out, but if you said it in a different way, I may have responded with a better note."
He says: ‘’I’m really upset right now!’’.
What he’s really stipulating: ‘’I need alone time right now. I don’t want to take out on you, because things could get ugly. Please leave me alone, I will come around when I am feeling up for a chat’’
He says: ‘’ I will be late picking you up, I have a few things I need to accomplish before meeting up with you’’.
What he’s really saying : ‘’ I need some alone time to think, and I don’t want to be distracted by you while I am on a mission. So I really need to get things done before we can spend some quality time together, and later on my mind won’t be so distracted.
He says: ‘’ I want to quit smoking’’.
What he’s really saying: ‘’I need your support on this, because I cannot do this alone. I need you to help me the best you can.
He says: ‘’ I’m so tired, and really sore’’.
What he’s really saying: ‘’It would be nice to have a long back rub. Can you do that for me? I know this will make me feel better, and it will give me energy to give you quality loving later on’’.
He says: ‘’ It’s not you, it’s me’’
What he’s really saying: ‘’ I need to think things through, I am not ready to be in a relationship right now. So this is not going to work out between you and I’’.
He says: ‘’I will call you’’
What he really means: ‘’I am testing you, to see how independent you are, I don’t need someone to be calling me every day and all hours of the day. If I don’t call in a few days, try calling me but if I don’t call in a week after talking with you, I am not interested.
He says: ‘’I don’t want anything for Christmas, I don’t expect you to get me anything’’.
What he’s really saying. ‘’I don’t want to disappoint you, but Iam testing to see what your taste is like in gifts. However I do want something though. So surprise me.
Now the ladies, what we say and what they think...
Woman: ‘’I love you’’
What he is thinking: ‘’ I’m scared she is going to hurt me, I’m not sure if I should say it back. Do I really feel the same way, and if I do how do I express myself toward her’’?
Men have a hard time expressing their inner emotions because they were raised to be al macho like as a child. They were taught to not be a wimp in school and to fight back, when pushed. When it comes to love ad relationships, he is unsure how to really respond, as he really needs to feel it first in order to give you the response you are looking for.
Woman: ‘’I want to be with you forever, you are my everything’’.
What he is thinking: Same notion as above. He may have never experienced a woman to fall head over heels for him before, and this perhaps is new to him. He possibly is thinking. ‘Maybe this is it, maybe I finally found the one I want to be with, but I got to make sure that I love her first. But I don’t want to hurt her either’’.
Men want to take things slow, it does take a longer time for a man to fully come around. Though be careful some men are liable to be scared off.
Woman: ‘’ It just feels like you don’t want to spend as much time with me anymore’’.
What he is thinking: ‘’ Nothing has changed, but I wish you’d stop telling me this. Though I will make it up to you the best way that I can. I am not trying to avoid or ignore you, I have been extremely busy’’.
Men do NOT want to hear this kind of talk. It will push them away. They may have been busy and trying hard not to ignore you, but sometimes a lack of help from work, does cramp the relationship style.
Woman: "Are we fading away?’’
What he is thinking: ‘’I just need time for myself now and then. I am not choosing to ignore you, however, when I am distracted with work and other things in my life, I find it hard to concentrate on this relationship sometimes’’.
The stipulation is the same as above. He may need to concentrate more on his goals instead of just one thing. And that's something really good for your future, so a little co-operation can me you sail the sea...
Woman: ‘’I have a fear of abandonment’’
What he is thinking: ‘’ I cannot promise you eternal love, as nothing lasts forever. I will do my best to not hurt you. Though I will test you, to see how independent you really are, if I don’t call you for a few days. I want to see how you react. Though this phase will not last, it’s just a run test’’.
Men are not willing to hurt a woman in a relationship, though they are willing to test you and push your buttons, just enough to see if you’re willing to be apart for a few days. He will probably only do this a few times, in order to find out what you’re really like when there is low communication. Especially if he goes away on business trips, where he may not be able to communicate as much with you. Or if he suddenly has to fly off to a different country to reside.
Woman: ‘’ You are everything I have ever dreamed of’’
What he is thinking: ‘’I try my best, to make you happy. I want to make you feel this way because you are special.’’
A man may not show how he really feels when you say this to him, but really he is gloating. Don’t boost his ego up too much his head might pop ;-)
They are really confussing and they do nt seem frm outseide what exctly hey are and that reall make a womesn Pissed but hey, cum'on after knwoing them we can co-operate at times...
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Up's and Downs - Life is boredom without them...
Up's and Downs in Life...
Up’s and Downs are the most normal and most complicated stages of our life and that's what makes our life worth in reality. I know, you might think that things like this are good to hear but worst to experience in life, but hey - this is my own experience and I am quite aware of those pains, depressions, exertions’ and several stuff we go through during we have our life in downs. Especially when we have our worst downs after best up’s that’s really awful and that effects our mind and life so much. It happens that we lose all the hopes from our life and where some people can cry and just make a bit of relief from what they are going through where as some people just bulk up all their pains and get on breaking from within. It happens that we come under a sudden dilemma and what we know is “I lost it!” Our hopes, faith, in fact we ourselves get lost somewhere and we don’t even have idea about that.
Life is like a roller coaster I believe. When it goes down, it does come up but here instead of butterflies and screams we have pain and cries. But hey the best thing about this rollercoaster is, when we have our Up’s we don’t get petrified – instead we are happy and sometimes that turns out to be so good that we reach cloud nine or even beyond that.

So no matter how long your life goes into downs but as soon as it catches and uproot, trust me you will be happy more than you should have been and that’s what real fun of life is. It’s quite incredible to feel what you got and that’s what you actually deserve after all your downs and yeah, it will for sure increase the value of your that present emotions and out of world feelings.
-Angel Winget
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Mother (MOM)
"Mother"- The one who gives us birth after a terrific pain and suffers for 9 months conseiving us in her womb and while giving us birth she takes a pain of all the bones getting fractured at one time. After Dels of pains and suffers, she is so selfless to give us birth and dedicate her life to us. One who starts weaving a beautiful dream for her child and his/her future, one which always finds the ways to guide her child in a right direction in a right manner and with love and intensity. Mothers are son increadible and they are the real angel, god has sent fore us, without her this whole world is going to be empty- not because she is the one who gives birth to a child, but it is beacause even though child takes birth in this world it will be nothing but a a soul with no strenght and meaning towards life, a person with no guidence and no love. She is the one who teaches us the values of life, one who guides us with principle, one show us the light to follow, one takes all the oains on herself to serve us the comfort, one who wil sleep in wet pee of ours at the middle of the night- judt to serve us from cold, one who will cry when we cry, one who will understand us when we are all mum and we pretend to be soemthing which we are not indeed, one who says,'Oh! my child, teel me what happend? Is there any problem dear? I will help you out, but don't be sad becasue the moments you spend sad and upset are the moments my heart get wound on.".
For a mother he child is her love, her life, her trust, her faith, her soul and her everything. She trust her child more than she can trust herself but she never lets the child realize again an again how important he/ she is because just don't wnat her child to get supressed of any hard emos and what she wants is her child to be happy and lead a white pathed life. But at times it really becomes necessary for her to be hard on us, so as to guide us for where we are wrong and need to be careful, and that being hard does hurt us but it hurts more intensely to her as compared to we children. But we children always lack somewhere to serve her, that's true that we can never pay her back what she has given us eventhough we give our life to her, but we can serve her the best way just by being a good human being and being as loyal as we can. Yeah many a times, we arent able to confess our deeds and say the truth because of some understanding gap and some varies of thoughts and principles, but yeah we can afcourse try our best to be as frank and loyal as possible. Com'on we can atleast do soem thing for our angel!
For me my mom is a best freind, a freind who knows me so well that she can understand my mood and state of mind just by a way to talk, click of fingers and looking at my face. Some times she even gets intuition when I really need her and Iam too sad to be alone. She is one of the best mothers in this world. Yeah, sometimes there some things that I cnt share with her but just give a minor hint, we do have lots of exchange of words and hurts us bith later and than we are back togather. An existence of different mentality between a mom and her child will always exist because that is something we call a genration gap. But that's all fine., that normal- it will exist in the same way between your and child and you and my child and me! That is the normal face ofthis motther and child relation. When I was a tiny tot, I used to be soo much into my mother that even living for fractions of minute was jsut impossible and than slowly I grew up, joing Kindagarten - made new freinds than started with primary sections- secondary and thna atlast a highschool came where we come intop a teenage and where in any teen would feel that he/she is mature enough to knwoi what is right or wrong and try to beat up world all by oursleves where we are 90% wrong in our decissions :( But hey, we do learn by ourselves that what we did was wrong and learn for the right next time ;) Here diffrence of oppinions do occur but from our side it is we who have to understand he rna dact the same way! As being a teenager, I always used to be so freeset anf used to talk to my mom eveyr weekends about what are my feelings, what do I do., What am I going through and various other thigs, I share my best possible thigs with her and rest wiht the mates and any ither person I trust the most and sometimes when I feel that there is no one to here me, there i salways one palce left for me, that is Church where in, I siit ont first bench with my hands crossly joined, closing my eyes and feel my soul and heart in a deapth and ask myself wether I have doen something worng and than aks for the same to god and at that time, whe you really do that- trust me_ it seems as if your directly connected to God up and he guides you the same way! This is the age where we sometimes or most of the times, by mistake or in unpurpose way we hurt our mothers and hell it upto us :( But after few years of my Teenage, what I realised id that our angel soemtimes finds that same old kid in us and she would never be able to see us growing and thus for her atleast being a child was not a big deal foe me. Most of the times when I am with her, I am a child who doesn't care oft he world till he/she in lap of it's mother. I act the way I used to act in my pres, secondary and Kgs; and it really really feels good to see her smile and laugh and happy wiht he rdeep heart! She is an amazing mericale that God would ahve ever doen till now.
My mother is like a song in my heart-I may forget the word but the tune always hums and I can neve forget the tune of love and light she has added to my life. Sorry for when I hurted you and Sorry for when I was bad but I Thank you for all the hardshipsa and Love.
For those who have somewhere or some missunderstood their moms and still feel taht you were worng and she was rght, just remebr that these kind of phases are too normal and adjusting somewhere around is sameway easy because wjhat you need is to gear your understanding!!
---Angel Winget
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