
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Up's and Downs - Life is boredom without them...

Up's and Downs in Life...
Up’s and Downs are the most normal and most complicated stages of our life and that's what makes our life worth in reality. I know, you might think that things like this are good to hear but worst to experience in life, but hey - this is my own experience and I am quite aware of those pains, depressions, exertions’ and several stuff we go through during we have our life in downs. Especially when we have our worst downs after best up’s that’s really awful and that effects our mind and life so much. It happens that we lose all the hopes from our life and where some people can cry and just make a bit of relief from what they are going through where as some people just bulk up all their pains and get on breaking from within. It happens that we come under a sudden dilemma and what we know is “I lost it!” Our hopes, faith, in fact we ourselves get lost somewhere and we don’t even have idea about that.

Life is like a roller coaster I believe. When it goes down, it does come up but here instead of butterflies and screams we have pain and cries. But hey the best thing about this rollercoaster is, when we have our Up’s we don’t get petrified – instead we are happy and sometimes that turns out to be so good that we reach cloud nine or even beyond that.

We at times even come into a feeling where in we find our self to be so lucky and extra-ordinarily special. These are best up’s and we find our life to be totally settled and smooth, but sometimes it happens that suddenly a meteor falls down and spoils everything and you feel, “Oh Shoot! My life was superb man, didn’t expect this! Why does it happen to me always? Oh! God – did you find me the only person in your world to take on sorrows?” But hey come ‘on, you can make out yourself after going back to your flashback that this game of life or almighty - whatever you believe, its amazing. It’s so interesting and it gives us meaning of living, because if we would be all happy, all the life - it wouldn’t have given you the same feeling if you wouldn’t have struggled for that happiness and same way if our whole life goes on with all the goods and no bad, it becomes quite boring and all bad and no goods makes it horrible and as said, “Everything needs to be in balance and that’s what makes it fun”

So no matter how long your life goes into downs but as soon as it catches and uproot, trust me you will be happy more than you should have been and that’s what real fun of life is. It’s quite incredible to feel what you got and that’s what you actually deserve after all your downs and yeah, it will for sure increase the value of your that present emotions and out of world feelings.
-Angel Winget

1 comment:

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    :) nice thoughts :)
